When I was four-years-old, my mom took me to my first movie. I still remember the excitement of having the huge screen in front of me, sitting next to my mom, older sister and brother, with my popcorn and soda. I waited with anticipation for the movie to start, and before I knew it Dolly Parton was up there, larger than life in The Best Little Whore House In Texas. Ok, so it was a questionable choice of movie for a toddler. By today’s standards, she probably would have been all over social media with hashtags like #LittlestShameHouse or something ridiculous. Luckily in 1982 there was no social media, and there were also fewer movie choices of which to take your kids. But if I’m completely honest, I have no recollection of being affected by the sex scenes in that movie. I don’t know if my mom covered my eyes or took me to the bathroom at those parts. I do, however, have a deep, emotional memory of how much I loved watching the dancing, and hearing Dolly sing “I ...
This upcoming holiday (whether you celebrate Passover or Easter), we’re proposing something CRAZY. Let’s all give ourselves a break from the pressures that weigh us down and cause it to be less enjoyable. Is there something specific (you’re allowed to pick more than one) you can think of that you know causes you stress? Services? Cooking? Making your kids dress up? Instead of dreading it, start to accept that this year, you’re going to do it differently. You’re not going to worry about judgments or expectations. We know, it’s so much easier said than done. We’re taking the challenge, too. Let’s raise our glasses and toast (is it 10 am yet?) to us all slacking juuuust a tiny bit this Passover or Easter. Click below to read our perspectives and you’ll see we’ve already jumped in and started testing the waters.
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